Monday, May 4, 2009

Valve Replacement Surgery - Tips For Dispelling Fear

Today, I’m having a good day for several reasons. I have a little more energy than usual even though the veins in my neck still look like they are playing bongo drums from the damaged valve’s regurgitating process.

I started listening to a CD called Liquid Mind all through the night. I don’t know how or why it works, but somehow it is supposed to balance your mind.

The beneficial effects for me have been, that I feel more refreshed in the mornings, and I also have a more optimistic outlook for my valve replacement surgery and a speedy recovery. As my CD was a gift, I don’t know where you can obtain it; but will try to find out and post the information later.

When I catch myself going down the slippery slope of fear, I try to remember to immediately interrupt my negative thought pattern with some positive self-talk. For example, I might say, “I’m happy, healthy, wealthy, healed, and whole”. Just breaking the gloomy thought pattern works wonders. The trick is to recognize immediately that you are on the downhill slide, and then switch your thoughts to something more positive.

I limit my TV time to watching shows that bring me laughter. Sounds kind of corny, but honestly it does work.

Still, I wish there was something out there that would tell me exactly what to expect on the road ahead. It would be great to hear from some folks who have actually been through heart replacement surgery. The heart surgeons have insanely busy schedules and really don’t have the time or inclination to address your feelings or fears, or what the entire process might be like for you.

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