Monday, May 11, 2009

Valve Replacement Surgery - Mother's Day Exhaustion!

Haven't been to church for a few weeks, but wanted to go on Mother's Day before my valve replacement surgery on this next Wednesday (just two days from now). Just thought going to church would make me feel better.

As you probably know, if you have valve problems, bending over and straining brings you to exhaustion rather quickly. By the time I'd looked in a couple of low drawers for the belt I needed for my church-going-outfit, I was exhausted and short of breath. I did go on to church, but had to curtail the getting up and down parts of the service. I'm usually a lively participant in the singing, and having to just sit there like a bump on a stump was quite different.

My son called me early, about 8:30 A.M., and I in turn called my Mother and two sisters to wish them a happy Mother's Day. My Mother had a stroke about three years ago which left her in pretty good physical health; however, it drastically effected her memory and cognitive skills. While she still knows who most people are, she gets confused and excited easily. In order to avoid stressing her out, we've decided not to tell her about my upcoming valve replacement surgery.

This is just one of the many unexpected individual decisions you may have to make before you get wheeled down surgery lane. This decision for me was particularly difficult because my Mother has always been a solid rock; she's been right there pulling for all her children through thick and thin.

Have you gotten your copy of Adam Pick's book, The Patient's Guide To Heart Valve Surgery yet? One of the things you'll learn from his book and research is that everyone's recovery is uniquely different. I'm reading the part right now about what he felt like and saw as he began to regain consciousness in the ICU after his surgery. His book describes in detail many commonalities of valve replacement surgery and lots of them are things you probably won't learn from your Doctor.

Tomorrow, Tuesday, at 6:30 A.M., I'm checking in to the hospital for my cardiac catherization procedure before the valve surgery on Wednesday. Jennifer, from procedure scheduling, just called to ask why my blood labs weren't done. I said, "no one gave me orders or told me to get more labs drawn". She said, "well, we can do it tomorrow after you get to the hospital; it might push your procedure back to a little later in the day that's all".

This bit of unexpected news made me nervous because family and friends (my support network) already have their reservations in place to be here in tag-team fashion to help through the recovery phase. Human error is another thing you may have to contend with. I'm trying to stay calm right now!

I'm planning to take my laptop with me to the hospital in the morning so I can keep you up-to-date with how the heart cath. goes.


  1. Prayers all around for you from Linda and Melody in Arkansas.

  2. Lisa and I are thinking about you out in California...And Onyx and Louis. :)
