Sunday, May 24, 2009

Valve Replacement Surgery - Surgery Day Memories

Upon awakening in the ICU after surgery, I had expected to see my friends who had been with me through the surgery, instead I remember the voices of the two ICU nurses talking to each other about my care and when they might be able to remove the ventilator tube. They told me that my friends had just left and that no one was allowed to stay with me during that first night.

The second thing that I remember about waking up in the ICU after surgery was the rather uncomfortable feeling in my throat. Although I'd known that I'd probably wake up with a ventilator tube, I guess I'd forgotten about it. Also, I was extremely thirsty.

At about 10 P.M. (four to five hours post surgery), the ICU nurses finally removed the necessary, but very uncomfortable ventilator tube. Removal of the vent. tube hurts like the dickens. The pain doesn't last long, but it does hurt. I remember crying during the removal process.

Then, I remember craving water, I was so very thirsty. At that point, I was allowed only ice chips. They don't want you to get sick and lose your cookies.

That's about all I remember those first hours after surgery.

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