Saturday, May 9, 2009

Valve Replacement Surgery - Practical Preparation!

This is the Saturday before the Wednesday of my scheduled valve replacement surgery; it's only four days away now.

What kinds of things does a person think of doing in preparation for surgery? Of course, you get your affairs in order, you pack the items you’ll need in the hospital, (tooth paste and brush, pajamas, shampoo, underwear, Ipod, computer, books, shaving equipment if you’re a guy, and makeup if you are a gal), you talk (light heartedly) to family and friends, but you might also have various things unique only to you that you want to take care of before entering the hospital for the big day.

The last time I was in the hospital, I was admitted through the emergency room unexpectedly. No preparation at all! Not only had I not had time to prepare for any of the important things I’ve just mentioned, but also I’d been too sick to do anything with my hair. Really, I was too sick to even care if I had hair or would ever have hair again.

But, then, when I started to get a little better, the thing that bugged me most about being in the hospital was that my hair looked like a screaming Banshee who had just stuck her finger in an electric socket, caught her hair on fire, and then attempted to put it out with a rake. I became convinced that all the nurses and doctors, in order to prevent a complete guffaw, had to pause outside my door to compose themselves before entering my room.

My worst fears were realized when my very best friend entered my room, pointed to my hair, slapped her thighs, and doubled over laughing. She laughed so hard; it brought tears to her eyes! My feelings were hurt and I was more than a little miffed.

When I recounted the story to Dr. Blake, my Cardiologist, she thought I shouldn’t make too much of it because my friend had probably not been through sensitivity training as the nurses had. The piece of information only made it worse.

So, what did I do today? As you might have already guessed, I went to get my hair styled and colored. I told Cathy, my stylist, “I may be having valve replacement surgery, but I want my hair to look really good for the surgery and my subsequent stay in the hospital”. No way was I going to have a repeat of the last stay. In fact, I’m hoping that I’ll look so different with my new hairstyle and color that none of the hospital staff will even recognize me.

Do any of you have a funny, ridiculous surgery related story? Feel free to post a comment. It’s a known fact that laughter is the very best medicine around!

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