Saturday, June 6, 2009

Valve Replacement Surgery - Walked Up My Drive!

Allen started for home early this morning. I cried! I've always been an independent sort of person, but I feel especially vulnerable since I know that next week I'll be mostly alone during the day. Help is close by though, and I should be fine. What is there about open heart surgery that makes us feel so dang helpless?

This morning, Lynn rolled the oxygen tank, and I walked up our drive and down the road to the next house for the first time since my valve repair surgery. Walking up an incline is much harder than walking on the flats. I did get winded, and was huffing and puffing by the time we got back inside.

I felt very weak this morning which might be attributed to the large doses of diuretics I'm taking to reduce and prevent fluid retention. Lynn started giving me a pediatric electrolyte drink to prevent dehydration. It is mainly used to restore body water and minerals lost during diarrhea and vomiting in babies, but works equally as well for adults on diuretics.

Trying to prevent fluid retention without overdoing it to the point of serious dehydration requires a close watch and rapid intervention. Lynn is very good at interpreting my symptoms and suggesting solutions. I'm feeling stronger this afternoon.

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