Thursday, June 4, 2009

Valve Replacement Surgery - Walk Stress Test!

It is highly recommended that valve replacement, valve repair, and by-pass surgery patients start a rehabilitation program as soon as they are able after their open heart surgeries. Rehabilitation programs are credited worldwide with getting you back into the mainstream of life. It's a fact, before you start rehab, you may think that you'll never return to a normal life, but as you dig into your rehab, you'll begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Before you officially get started with your Cardiac Rehabilitation program, a baseline assessment will be completed.

Today, I'm exactly three weeks post open heart surgery, and today I completed my Walk Stress Test evaluation. This test is the gateway to your rehabilitation program. The test involves walking on a treadmill while all your vital signs are being monitored. The test endeavors to establish a baseline from which you'll steadily build your stamina, increase muscle mass, and improve your overall cardiovascular condition.

Before the test is started, your blood pressure is taken in the arm and in the ankle. You are weighed, and they even measure your height and waist circumference. You are wired with a 10- lead heart rate monitor, and a blood gas monitor is placed on your finger. They want to keep a close watch on what your newly repaired heart is actually doing during the test. I was happy and comforted to know that I would not be doing any damage to my new valve repair surgery.

As the treadmill starts, the speed is gradually increased until you reach a level where you think the effort is moderately hard. At that time, the exercise physiologist stops the tread mill and takes your blood pressure. Then, they begin to compile all the various data they've learned from your test. After all the data is compiled, your picture will be taken and attached to your file.

Next, you're sent to visit with the Cardiac Rehabilitation Doctor. At New Heart Center for Wellness, Exercise and Cardiac Rehabilitation here in Albuquerque where I'll be doing my rehab, the Doctor goes over your surgery with you and evaluates with you the Walk Stress Test you've just completed. The Doctor determines if you're fit to start rehab and at what level. I am fit enough to start and will begin day after tomorrow.

My program lasts 36 session at 3 times a week for 12 weeks. Every time I exercise, my heart will be monitored. Great, this element of the program will let me know how hard to push myself and when to slow down. It lets you proceed with you exercise program with confidence knowing that you won't be doing any damage to your heart.

Connie, our dear friend from up the hill, brought over a delicious beef tipped casserole for dinner. WOW, was it ever a hit! Lynn and Allen prepared a wonderful crisp salad to go with it, and my how we did feast. Connie visited for awhile and we all laughed and giggled about everything and nothing. Laughter is indeed the very best medicine available on the planet.

This was my best day so far.